Monika Stolat
artistic director and producer of the festival
The initiator, artistic director, and producer of Splat!FilmFest, WTF FEST, as well as the series Cult Classics and Best of the Worst. A fan of freedom of artistic expression and wild, dark cinema.

Patryk Straszak
festival coordinator
The curator of the Wrocław editions of the series Best of the Worst and Cult Classics, affiliated with the Festival and New Horizons Cinema for over a decade. He named his dog Chudy because he loved “Toy Story” as a child.

Marta Górna
an author of film descriptions
With Splat!FilmFest for several years. For almost a decade, he has been the head of the blog Górna Ogląda, where he reviews B and C movies and celluloid curiosities. For several years, he has also written about cinema, television series, and pop culture for Gazeta Wyborcza. A fan of westerns.

Gosia Cichalewska
Translator and proofreader of film subtitles for Splat!FilmFest and the series Best of the Worst. Involved with Polish film festivals since 2018. An avid reader of broadly defined horror literature.

Olga Obel
A translator with a passion for languages and films, especially the strange ones.

Zuzanna Błahuszewska
Translator, rapper, a small-town kid, a loyal fan of Warsaw, the series “Ranczo,” and the depths of Polish internet culture.

Anna Hardasiewicz
PR manager
She has been involved in film for over 15 years. It’s her passion and source of energy. She enjoys extremely ambitious cinema and romantic comedies, covers her ears during horror films to make them less scary, and devours crime thrillers by the handful.

Krzysztof Walecki
short film selector
Screenwriter, former editor of the film.org.pl portal. A collaborator with Splat!FilmFest since 2022. He enjoys both ambitious and B-movie horror films. He values the gore of Braindead more than the cold cruelty of Martyrs.

Kuba Augustyniak
volunteer coordinator
A lover of forest hikes, experimental cinema, and B-movies. He is an art exhibition coordinator and has been searching for years to answer the question: “Huba or Kuba?” He has a deep appreciation for visual arts, brutalism, and techno.

Mikołaj Lipiński
social media specialist
Professionally, he talks about horror and… football on the internet. And, most importantly, he’s really passionate about it. The author of many memes you’ve sent to your friends. Owner of a stubborn corgi.