Video Nasties: Banned Films | lecture
Sunday, October 27 | 2:20 p.m | Kinoteka ROOM #8 | free admission
A drill going through a skull into the brain. A naked woman impaled on a stake. A possessed man biting off his own hand. Banned films are like forbidden fruit. They taste the best. But surely, the censorship office can’t be wrong and protects us from the depravity of cinema for a reason.
Łukasz Karaś, a YouTuber known for his channel horrorshowPL, and author of the book Video Nasties: Banned Films, will lead a lecture on Video Nasties, the index of films banned in the UK during the great panic over gory horror films. How did the index come about, who initiated it, which films made the list, and why? You’ll find out during the session. After the lecture, Łukasz’s book will be available for purchase.